Friday 1 February 2013

Ini Ujian Bukan Masalah :')

Assalamualaikum , 
Day past by day .. I feel really tired feel like no one care bout me .. feel alone .. Ya Allah ..This is his test, I know . Hm  . Eventhough all this killing me sometimes, but Alhamdulillah I still can breath, I still here writing this . See ? Allah love me so much . He cares for me more than I care for myself . Allah's love for us is deeper than an ocean . Damn, Allah so sweet <3 

*Keep smiling even this feeling kill me ?*
Hmmm, bcause he love me to much.. so he test me to much ..lately nih, I easily crying eventhough it just for a small matter . I dont knw why, I feel like no one understand me .. I know everyone got problem, like Arisya told me "cow got problem,cat got problem everyone got problem" Tahu takk masalah tuh kalau kite lari pun dia tetap kejar kita . Hm buang masa I je lari . Tp I feel like my problem never settle . Arh, so what should I do ? Hm T_T Keep this feeling ? Arhh till when ? Till die ? K 

Sarahh why you keep askin for his test ? Please say Alhamdulillah . *pujuk hati ikhlaskan hati* Takpe sarah, takpe kalau tade sorang pun nak kesah pasal apa kau rase takpee, bcause why ? Allah is the best listener ! He hears even the very silent prayers, no need to cry out loud or shout to tell Him what was happen . He know everything. Every tears he knows sarah.. Tayah nak forever alone sangatlah kann .  Full ur heart with zikir, Insha Allah everything gonna be okay :")

Saket sekejap jeh sarah . Duniawi jeh . Ingat . Ingat . Keep in mind . Allah there for you . Okay . Rilex, Dia bagik semua nih semua bersebab and His decision never wrong . He teach you to be more patient with this test, he increasing ur Iman, ur reward , see how nice him to you ? Solat jangan tinggal, bce Al-Quran atleast 1page after solat . Tuh jeh senjata boleh kuatkan kau sarah .. and not only me , every single muslim too :)
Thats all for today, Assalamualaikum <3

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