Thursday 27 September 2012

Senyum :)

Maybe you're my EX  . . Even you was EXpired for me , but you still my EXample , I meant the best EXample to me found more EXtraordinary :')
*Ape kene mengena dengan tajuk ? Ayat mintak tapakk eah ? xD

Peace the key of happiness ;')

Senyummlahh you olls even muke macam muke pecahh .

"Kamu senyum kepada saudara kamu , maka itu dianggap sedekah"
[Riwayat Bukhari]

See ? Senanggkann nakk bwat pahala tanpa mengeluarkann wang ringgit suda dianggap sedekahh . Islamm itu cool lagi awesomeeee <3

Sincerely sarah <3

Lebiuww :*


*Knape kne buwat muke gedik ? knpe ? LOL -__-

 "I.T.A.L.Y" = I Trust And Love You
"H.O.L.L.A.N.D" = Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies
"L.I.B.Y.A" = Love Is Beautiful , You Also
"F.R.A.N.C.E" = Friendships Remain And Never Can End
"C.H.I.N.A" = Come Here , I Need Affection 

Dear awak , tapayah bwak kite round the world cukop kalow dapat jejak dekat  Mecca pownn <3 
Cukop sesangat dapat jalani ibadah haji bersama awak , cukop dapat berdoa di depan kaabah bersama awak <3 
Cukop sangat :')

May dream come true <3 xoxo

Wednesday 26 September 2012

My Day

First , ak sampai jehh kwsann sekolah bende pertama ak buwat is belok kiri pi beli jajannn dgn lolipop bebanyakk . Haha semue tgk ak mcm O_o . Awk , perut besar kena isi banyak . Paham k . Paham . Cheyh , actlly all this jajann ak beli bnyk sbb ak tahu kalow ak beli sikit nanti orang mintakk . Haha . Sape takk kenal ak , orang paling ak benci ialah - - - > Org mintak mknan ak
So , mengelakkan pergaduhann ak beli bebanyakk . 
Dalamm kelas ak lahh kucingnyehh meow-meow , ak lahh tikusnyehh whis -whis , Haha I love eatin in the clss . Nope I meant dewan . Gerakk gempur . Haha hari nih quit suwei ak nyehh nseb , ak chop tempat bebelakang skit nakk lepak dgn girlfren atlast terpandang satu tempat . You knw who place ? Yahhh my boyfren place , I meant my fv enemy . Lol . I hate him ! Dy sllu perdajjalkan ak -__-  Then I find others place bcause tempat yg ak nakk ddok dkat dgn tempat slalu dy ddok . At last ddok tempat ak sllu ddok . Hmm ;/ Nih smue punce dy ! erh ! Tape lahh dduk tepi Maanoj pown ok what . Dy pandai haha boleyy copy dan tampal xP
Tuptupp , my fv enemy ask his friend take a meja and krusi dok blakang I . What theee ? Arhhhh ! Mcm mcm tade lifeee ! He disturb me wif his stupid voice , he poke me , he make rimas lemas ! erhh . And yangg paling best my fv enemy chnge his place set near wif me ! Again near ! :(
Tapi tapelahh , pasrah . Haha . Lagipown kalow tade dy orang sape nak bwat ak gelakk plus saket hati ! Haha ! Mencabar Iman gadis btol ! Tiap tiap hari kalow  tak poke bahu ak , takk saketkan hati takk sahh . Dahh jadik routine daa . Yangg ak tiaptiap hari kalow takk tolak dy orang kuat-kuat , jerit jerit , mmg bukan name hari sekolah daa . Haha .
Sometimes I hate them bcause mess up my life , but sometimes I love them bcause alwys make me laugh . Sriusly memarah takk pena srius , ak dari nakk srius tengok muke dy orangg teross bedekak xD erh ! 
Yangg girlgirlpowenn ak mmg lari arhh . Malas nakk layann ak jeritjerit lelaki . Mampu tengok dri jauh dan gelakkan ak -__- Hmmm
Tapi palingg best bile girlgirlpowen ak memarahh buda lelaki ! Srius dy orang mmg ohsem ! I meant ganas dan garang ! Awhh :*
Kalow ak marah ? Di anjeng anjeng kann balek , bull shit , cat shit , tiger shit ! Smuee shit arhh !
Hmm , malam pule ak melincah lincah siapkann diri for tsyenn . Huhhhh . Van tusyenn amek ak dlu , so kne cepat lahh . Ksian ak . I hv only 30minutes to prepare oll things . Makan pown dalam vann . Smpi jehh biase arhh layan lawak indians stdent katt sni smpi 9.30 . Pastuh blaaa ! wiee ^_^

Nihh name dia picture timelinee . 

 Alhamdulillah even Im not pretty as angel Im proud to be myself . Mane tahu if Allah bagik nikmat cantek ak riak , takk ttop aurat , reject orang sane sini  . So bersyukur ape yangg adee , ameen :)
                                                                      saraeho's dayy <3

Saturday 22 September 2012

Live Ma Life

*scare facee , "dont worry you wif me" by chipmunk -_-
Assalamualaikum and hell yaww !
Today was my bad bad and bad day . I dont know whthefish with me , I'm just , I'm just .. feel bad ;'[ So badddd , I also dnt knw what happen to me .. *termenung*
Arhhhhh ! ! *hentak kaki* 
Sobsobbb .. *gosok muke*
Just now , I cht wif aisha , I ask her what happen to me cause I feel likee "kosong kosong" then she told me there 're two reason might mess up my feeling now , first "myb bendera merahh nakk naek" *understand urself* , second "myb you miss someone" . Wthall I'm not missing someone okay . I just feel like "kosong kosong" . Yeahh , life is not easy like inhaling oxygen . Cat cat meow meow ! Life is like a journey  that which ending with victory and reach Jannah forever ever and ever . *nikmatt* Nak menang ? Ofcourse susah right ? 
"Perjuangan ibarat tiram dilaut, dihiris pepasir tercalarlah ia, sungguh pun terluka tapi dipendam, sungguhpun pedih tapi disimpan, namun akhirnya dibalas mutiara ."
This happened actlly since last night , after I went to rumah nenek Wanie , cause her father pass away on 6 am . I felt shock cause Wanie is one of my best friend :'(
When I reached ruma nenek wanie , I felt like urmmhh . urmhh can't describe wht I felt . She's smiling while her eyes describe her feeling . I felt so sad for her . How strong is she .. If this happen to me ? Would I smiling ? Would I keep the pain ? Would I ?
"A strong woman go to the gym to keep their body in shape , while A STRONGEST woman kneels down to ALLAH to keep her soul in shape "
Ya rabbi , tabahkan hati wanie . . Btw , Al -Fatihah for her father . . 
Who feel something like this ? I meant kosong-kosong ?
Hurmmm , I think we should check out our relay with Allah . Check our Iman , increasing or decreasing . . Then we 'll find the way . InsyaAllah . Keep on doa , trust Him cause He is the GREATEST AWESOME director in this world while we just the actor same like puppet show <3

   HasbunallahHawanikmalwakil - Cukuplah Allah menjadi penolong bagi kami dan dia sebaek-baek pelindung :)

        MenulisMemerahOtak by Saraeho <3

Saturday 15 September 2012

Encik Rindu

Assalamualaikum Encik Rindu , 
Encik saya rindu sangat amat sungguh dgn Encik , Encik rinduu saya takk ? urmhh takk ? k . k . I understnd ;'(
Encik you really made me hurt , hurmm . But now I'm still smiling bcause of you . I remember how you talk to me , disturb me at night , cheat me . Haha all that I'm still remember . Just now , I can't stnd it anymore and find ur number in my phone . Ouhh , how stupid I'm , your number not here . I'm forgot that this 's new simcard ;'/ Catshit , bullshit . I'm just miss your voice , your laugh , your joke . Everything bout you . If I want a relay oneday , I want someone like you , sweet talk , joker , idiot , stupid , terrible , annoying , all same like you ! 
Haha , expressing my life with drwing beby , I draw and draw until I forget you .. Urmhh , looks jarijemari ak da lembut mcm pondan . Ahakk xP 
             Dear Allah ,  remove all LOVE for him . Make I feel better without him . Take my heart , my soul ya Allah . I know everything will be better after this . I know only You know what's best for me . There's rainbow after rain , and there's happiness after this pain . I know You 'll choose the best for me , to complete my life . I know , so give me strength to rise up again <3

We broke up bcause Allah , I love you bcause Allah , and if I love other boy bcause Allah to . He who plan and determine everything . He know the best . Standing here and waiting for what will happen next ... hurmm 

Monday 3 September 2012

Ilmu menerangi kehidupan

     Assalamualaikum and hello guys ! So, how ‘re you ? Miss me or not ? No ? Ouhh , kbye . Cheyh ! hehe . Wow ! Cannot believe it that I only have 35 eyh am I right ? 35 or 34 huh ? Ouh yeahh I think 35days more to prepare for PMR . Ya Allah , I’m really afraid , may Allah bless me and help me always ! Ameen !
So , those who call “candidates UPSR , PMR and takk lupe SPM “ gudluck guys ! Study keyh . Dont waste ur time with doing “stupid things” like gossip , hang out , dating or else , then “redha” or tawakal with ur result ! No no ! Only a person that have gave all their effort can “redha” and “tawakal” . Like always “usaha tangga kejayaan” , kalow takk usaha mcm mane nak berjaya right ?
     Guys ,who hate study , you should think this , no one love study actlly , however that is our responsibility , so we must do it very well and make our parents and teachers proud with us . Hoi , listen here “buang duwet mak ayah korang hantar korang pegi sekolah kalow setakat nak jumpe kawan , ponteng kelas , maenmaen , menggatal sane sini “ Sriusly . Buang mase , buang duwet mak ayah kaw . Korang nih mcm penjamin mse depan dy org and mse depan korng skli . Korang tanak ke blnje dy org mkn , pegi umrah pki duwet korang ? Tanakk ke weyh ? Kalow takk dengan belaja mcm mne kaw nk dpt duwet oneday later ? hah ? hah ? Think it carefully . Please don’t say that smart people only love study ! Fvck ! Korang tahu takk buda buda pandai smue uh bukan suke study , tapi dy org pakse diri dy org untk blaja . Jgn manje sgt smpai tanak pakse diri blaja .” Ilmu itu pelita hidup” . See ? From this sentence we know that without knowledge we would fail in flow of life .
        Ilmu itu suci , bersih . Kalow dah hati kotor susah nakk msuk ilmu tuh . So , how to clean our heart ? with pray , prayers , remember Him , zikirullah and else . Jgn sombong dgn Allah ! Mintalah dengan dy ! But remember , Allah takkan pndng doa kite kalow kite takk solat . Sia-sia doa kite kalow kite takk solat . And lagi satu , hidup kalow asyik reject org mmg takk berkat . Srius , kalow hidup korang hanye nak mnyaketkan hati org baek tapayah hidup .
 Here my story , I went to surau to perform Zuhor prayers , then 2 person rejecting me . I feel really annoy cause that time I had take wuduk , so why should I scould them right ? “Kemarahan itu datang dari syaitan , syaitan itu datangnya dari api , sejukkan kemarahan dengan wuduk” . So , I told them “Better aku dari kau , dokk gossip dalam surau . Ak nak semayangg” with cute face . Btw , I wont show I’m angry with them cause I’m not type people who “LOVE AND LOVE AND LOVE” embarrassing people . Yelahh , takkan I nak jeritjerit cakap “Euuwww takk solat ! Bodohnye reject ak then takk solat” No no ! Dosa malukan orang hoi ! Who’s from SMKPJ and girls in afternoon session pleaseplease I’m beggin , jage surau kite . Tolongg arhh jgn buang smph sne sni , ingat kebersihan itu separuh dri Iman . Lagi satu jgn terpekik terlolong , takk malu ea ? lelaki kat bwh ? Malu tuhh hijab kite girls , yg tersidai dkat tiang uh , dduk saf depan skli , tapayah lahh nk melakukan aksi aksi gedik kat situ . Imagin kalow tengah dok usha-usha lelaki then ustaz nmpk , takk malu ? Kalow adap sgt nk bwat , bwat kat luar surau . Bkn dalam . Hahhh , that’s all for today . Ingat , kite dokk gi sekolah tiaptiap hari tuhh jihad ! So alang- alang kalow mati pown , dapat title mati syahid . Hehe .Assalamualaikum guys ! May Allah bless you all keyh keyh ! ^_^
                                                            Lot of love Saraeho <3