Sunday 15 March 2015

Wassup !

        Assalamualaikum, hey im backkkk ! Hahahahah dah lama biarkan blog nih kesepian I guess dah 2 tahun kot tak ber-blogging nih . Well busy dak dak yespiyem *yelatuh busy* .
Now while waiting for pnggilan IPTA keje dkat Secret Recipe Permas Jaya. *Eh tanak habaq result yespiyem hang ke yg kononnya busy study sgt tuh ?* Hahahahha okay okay rilek...benda boleh settle . Hahahahha alhamdulillah,  lulus dengan gayanya eh ? Hahahah I perform not actly very well but bsyukurlah. Allah dah rancang I dapat 3A . Banyak jeh genius-genius abadi yang ak kenal dulu result tak gempak pon . Allah dah rancang baik-baik . Usaha jeh. Since dah abeh SPM nih banyak soklan-soklan yang tak asing di telinga dak dak lepasan SPM di talu-talu ke telinga ak bagai kompang kat majlis-majlis kawen tuh. Eh ? "Nih result bape A?" "Nak sambong mana nanti ?" "Course apa nak amek ?" "Bile nak kawen ?" Aikk ? ! Hahhahahahahha . So ak jawab sinilah . Nak tahu go bace blog ak jangan lupe follow eh ? *sempat promote* 

Okay pasal result tadi aku da citer, ak dapat 3A jeh on SPM . Alhamdulillah lah pape pon. 

Sambong mana ? hmm tak surelah. Gua relakan jiwa jeh nanti dicampak oleh UPU di mana pon. Jangan dalam longkang suda la yer idokk ;p

Course ? Kalau boleh nak seni bina. Ceh ! Hahahha takpon diploma technology civil engineering pon okayy.  Tapi pape pon Allah dah rancang yg baik baik jeh. Ak redha if dapat course lain. Cuba untuk cinta apa yg dapat, tak gituww ceh ceh hahahha !

Bila nak kawen ? Rilek bagi ak peluang berjasa mak ayah yg banyak susahkan hdup dia org demi anak yang perangai cam ak nihh , hahahahha ! Then kad kahwin sampai rumah u olls ;p

Banyak citer sebenarnya nak share nih. Srius gua cakap dengan lu.*lepas gian dah lama tak berblogging* 

Pasal hatilah first, sebab banyak pendam rasa jeh selama nih. There is one guy yang ak syok diam-diam. Tapi dia buat dek jeh dengan ak. What is bad things in love ? Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan . Kah ! Takk bunyi tepuk sebelah tangan. Macam pukul angin.. mcm pukul atom-atom yang tak kelihatan..particle-particle yang tak vibrate ,. heh heh heh . But datang putera impian naik kuda dengan mbawa piza datang pada aku ... eh ? K tipu. Datang bagi piza tapi bukan naik kuda . Hmm hahahah Datang bawa piza bukan bawa hati . Kah ! That guy yg gua fall in love since masok keje treat ak well . But tah la lately we keep argue each other. Bile orang gurau pasal 'we olls' nanti kawen teros dia cakap 'kte takde kefahaman' . Bro, kau yang tak bagi ak pluang faham kau. And kau pon tak cuba paham aku. Memang ak senang marah but kau kenalah tackle hati ak buat gud things bukan buat something boleh buat ak jealous or else. Cakap aku tak reti jaga hati kau. But kau ? Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal .........

Memang I can see yg kau jealous bile ak rapat dengan any guys. But you re the one who hold the key of my heart. So use it wisely . Not break it into a piece. Ak try nak buang this feeling towards kau tapi tah lah. Ak try ... Sebab what I get is only hurt.. pain ... theres no happiness behind all this . I should give a space to myself . A space where should I look at myself and say 'Sarah, theres a lot of people who love you .Appreciate them.You ll know wht is happiness by love someone who love you. Stop hurting yourself by love someone who just know to break ur heart only'.

Hahhh kan da panjang drama sinetron aku . Belom pukol 2 lagi tuhh da start . Hahahhahahah dah dah enuf kang basah laptop kes air mata darah aku nih . Hahahahha dah la thats all for today ! Thanks for reading ! Bye ! Muah ! xoxo

                                                                                                   kaseh sayang,

Friday 1 February 2013

Ini Ujian Bukan Masalah :')

Assalamualaikum , 
Day past by day .. I feel really tired feel like no one care bout me .. feel alone .. Ya Allah ..This is his test, I know . Hm  . Eventhough all this killing me sometimes, but Alhamdulillah I still can breath, I still here writing this . See ? Allah love me so much . He cares for me more than I care for myself . Allah's love for us is deeper than an ocean . Damn, Allah so sweet <3 

*Keep smiling even this feeling kill me ?*
Hmmm, bcause he love me to much.. so he test me to much ..lately nih, I easily crying eventhough it just for a small matter . I dont knw why, I feel like no one understand me .. I know everyone got problem, like Arisya told me "cow got problem,cat got problem everyone got problem" Tahu takk masalah tuh kalau kite lari pun dia tetap kejar kita . Hm buang masa I je lari . Tp I feel like my problem never settle . Arh, so what should I do ? Hm T_T Keep this feeling ? Arhh till when ? Till die ? K 

Sarahh why you keep askin for his test ? Please say Alhamdulillah . *pujuk hati ikhlaskan hati* Takpe sarah, takpe kalau tade sorang pun nak kesah pasal apa kau rase takpee, bcause why ? Allah is the best listener ! He hears even the very silent prayers, no need to cry out loud or shout to tell Him what was happen . He know everything. Every tears he knows sarah.. Tayah nak forever alone sangatlah kann .  Full ur heart with zikir, Insha Allah everything gonna be okay :")

Saket sekejap jeh sarah . Duniawi jeh . Ingat . Ingat . Keep in mind . Allah there for you . Okay . Rilex, Dia bagik semua nih semua bersebab and His decision never wrong . He teach you to be more patient with this test, he increasing ur Iman, ur reward , see how nice him to you ? Solat jangan tinggal, bce Al-Quran atleast 1page after solat . Tuh jeh senjata boleh kuatkan kau sarah .. and not only me , every single muslim too :)
Thats all for today, Assalamualaikum <3

Saturday 19 January 2013

Potong Dan Tampal

Assalamualaikum to all muslim readers and hello to non muslim , so how ur school day ? Its great like wht you wish on ur holiday ? Nope ? Haha lifeless . Same like me seyhh. Ingat naek form4 , dapat honeymoon sgle . Atlast AMEK KAU honeymoon dengan homework . Arhh how sweet I’m ;p
Since naek form4 nih, sehari kalau tade homework tak sah . Okay homework tuh tak kesah sgt kalau soklan dy senang, mudah .. nih sampai gigit telinge . Lelagi fizik. I dnt knw why I hate so much Fizik . Hmm ;(
Okay entry nih sbnrnye nk bitau korang yg slalu tertuka brang dgn classmate korang . . Sape pena ? Okayy Idea nih tercetus bile tengok wani dgn aishah dok tampal name dkt dy pnye harta lerww. Tp ingat idea nih bukan untuk mngurangkan kes kecurian yer, sbbnye korang tampal laa dgn gam gajah pown, kalau da name pencuri bijak, dy cabutnye name korang dri pen, pencil korang . Idea nih just for elakkan dri tertuka barang je k ?  Sbb ak pun mengalami bnde yg same, well pen lerw sllu tertuka, pen MnG kann pemesh, rmai student permas jaya pakai, nk katekan 1 skola smue buda msti ad atleast 1 pen MnG sbb apa ? Keunggulan . Bermutu . Murah ;p
 So hereee we goo ~

Type name korang cenggini takk pun boley tulis . Handmade gituhh. Jgn besa sgt yerr

Kerja menggunting bermula . Part nih paling menyampah plus dgn selotape :3

Tampal cenggini, kemas-kemas bru comfortable bile pegang pen ;) #Mohon abaikan pemandangan indah lagi nyiaman yg dberikan oleh kotak printer and dustbin

 Cenggini jdiknye ,semua pen, pencil, liquid paper, ruler da tampallll.Tinggal .. ..

Pen kekaleee, hmm leceh boley tahan

ALL IS DONE, SO ZIP MY PENCIL BOX AND GO TO SCHOOL . OYEAHH ! Takk tetuka daa dengan Arisya mahupun Farhana Twin xD

Sesapa yg mengalami hal tetuka barang, boley la guna idea yg tak brpe nk bernas tp bergune nihhh ;)
K, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;*

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Free Palestine !

I know who I’m .. I’m not strong enough to join the war .. to syahid with them .. I realise ..Its really make me touched . I know some ppl ‘ll say “tayah nak beriye, bkn berlaku dkat kite” Yeahh mmg takk blaku dekat kite, but in Islam they ‘re our brother and sister. Tak kesian ke ? If we in their shoes, mcm mana kite? Melalak? Meraung? Girls in Palestine still wearing their hijab, still cover their aurat, tapi kita yang takde kencaman apa-apa dahlah takk pakai tudung, kutuk lagi yg pakai tudung. Pathetic gila . Sriusly :3

Dehell, this is not war this is murder !

       People out there , please pandang hal nih ! Stop waste ur time, pray for them .. We’re to busy dating! To busy bash each other To busy chasing name ! To busy copy paste twit fb sgle ! To busy with politic ! To busy hving fun ! To busy wast time with all those perkara sia-sia ..until no time to pray for them . Ahahh, mcm mana nakk doa kalau subuh pun takk bangun? You judge Israel ! You judge ppl who judge Islam unfortnetly, you don’t realise that you judging ur realigion to.. Amek remeh hukum Allah, undng-undng Allah .. At the same time you judge ur religion .. Amek sikit mase, renungkann kalau semua benda nih berlaku dekat tanah air tercinta kita Msia .. Dah bersediakah kita ? Snggop syahid demi Islam?*askin myself*


Damn Israel . Yahudi laknatullah. Allah ‘ll punish you in judgement day !

Haruman syurga :’)

This kids .. 

This last kiss from their father ... Ya Allah kuatkanlah hati ayah mereka .. *Dear father dont cry, InsyaAllah we meet in Jannah ...*

Never stop doa for them, “doa satu pertolongan ke?” My dear, kekuatan Islam ialah doa. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar :’)
“Doa seseorang Islam terhadap saudaranya di belakangnya amat mustajab, di sisi kepalanya terdapat malaikat yang diwakilkan tatkala berdoa untuk saudaranya dengan kebaikan, nescaya   malaikat yang diwakilkan itu berkata: ‘Amin, dan bagi kamu seumpama itu.”
(riwayat Muslim)

Friday 2 November 2012

My Heart . .~

If we still together, happy celebrate our One Year Anny tonight :’)

 *Setiap senyuman ada maksud tersendiri . Tak laen untok kuatkan hati :’) 

Haishh, why you keep bother my mind ? :’( I still cant stop think bout you . . Lagilagi time time ginihh . Kalau kita samasama lagi, hadiah no3 poster peringkat negeri semalam hadiahh kite sesame for one year anny kite , ouch ;* Dari first day kite couplee sarah takk habeh habeh hitongg hari kite sesame sebab xcited sangat nakk smbut one year anny dgn matair sarah . Well, awak paling lama so mmg berharap gegila kite dapat sambut one year anny sesame . Atlast, harapn sarah hancor musnah terbakor hangus rentung T_T Sama mcm hati sarah . Okay nih sedeyh :’(

*serios much ! har har ;p

Ingatt time kite gegedik dulu . Haha bila gadoh semue kluar, bilaa romantic nye la yak adoyyy ggur jantong I ;pp Well sweet talker -__- Hmm guess wht ?! *okay nih gedik* Malam nihhh kalau kite still together cukop 1YEAR . Again 1YEAR, Hoyye ! Sound mcm best . Tp kita da break . okay bye xD har har

 *Meltingnyehh adoy . I wish oneday dapat suami yang romantic <3 har har

Tapee awak tapeeeeeeeee , nnti kan nnti kann sarah jumpee org yg srius dgn sarah ..”Here my invtion card . Ouchh kad kawenn ea kadd kawenn” Har har harapann . Why I keep busy body bout you ? Please sarahh realise lorhh yang kau da break dgn dy ! Smile okay smile :’) But but even I love him , I  dont want my love for the human more than my love for Allah . I wanna be a strong muslimah for the sake of Islam <3

Allah hv told us in Surah An-Nur that a good man for a good women and a good women for a good man .  So , wilex jeh laa sarah okay ? Allah ‘ll choose the right one for you ! Sarah, place ur trust in Allah . Allah is enough as Guardian :] Keep on doa Sarah . Ustaz cakap apa ? Allah lagi dekat dgn kita dri urat leher . Dia dgr apa yg kau nakk sarah lebih dari org laen tahu .. and lebih dri diri kau tahu .. *pujuk hati* sobsob T_T

 Dear Adam , “Women were created from a rib, and if you try to straighten up a rib, you ‘ll break it, so deal with her gently” 

*Nakk ginih nak ginih <3

Haha okay okay . So stop touching bagai . Geli jemah ;pp You still alive even he's not wif you . Buktinyee tadaaa ! Kaw boley bnafas lagikan kan ? HasbunaAllahHawanikmawakil , cukoplah Allah mnjadi penolong kami dan Dia sebaek-baek Pelindung :')

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Happy Much ;*

Kalaulah awak takk buat perangai ..
Kalaulah awak setia ..
Kalaulah awak takk tipu ..
Kalaulah sekarang kita tengah happy tunggu 1year Anny kita ..
Kalaulah sekarang kita tengah on-call ..
Kalaulah awak sayang sarah ..
Kalaulah awak hargai selama 8bulan dedulu ..
Hmm, just “kalau” mcm takkan berlaku isn’t ? Okay mmg takkan berlaku .. Hmm . 1/11 uhh , I’m goin to Muar . Well, cmpttion poster poster . Melukis  sampai meninggal ;> Hmm, if you there next to me, to wish at least goodluck kann best . *harapan* Boy org sarah, jgn miang tahap lembuu okay okay ? hmm okay ;<
Yeahh, surely I miss you so much . But does not meant I want you back . I remember everything had happen to us . Perghh saket kowt hati T_T  Kena game matimati ;’( I just want guy like you but clean wif lie .. I’m not strong enough to face it again ;/ Then, mcm takk sangka 8months bazir dgn you just “A LIE” . Pergh, kalau oneday jadik kat awak bru tahu . heheh ;pp Tahulahh saket dy . Hahaha *ktwe setan* And one more, until now I don’t knw you love me or not . Atleast “a little bit” ;pp
Pape pownn, I’m happy even you’re not here with me . It’s okay babe . I’m always okay, go on with ur girl . Dont break her heart like hv you done to me . Please apprciete girls like how you apprciete ur mom.
TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! ! Happy with my sch-mates ;)
The cute one is me ! xD *pleshhh don’t kill me* 

Le Ohsem Friends ;)

Yelaa titeww pendek , Pika hot tinggi mcm model xB

Luckmal Alep sebokk jeh xP

Us with Aina yang mata sepet mcm Chinese, lawokan dy ? ;*

Tangan sapa nih? Kalau patah jgn tnye knpa -__-

Rusydie hot ! Har har xD

Wanie and me <3 

Ksian Rusydie, pekak tlinge dengar ak gelak . Sory dhoo ! xD

Wanie cute ;p har har *mak kita ckp tape tipu untk buwat org tersenyum*

Lalalalala kite cuteee ;pp


Korang promishh jgn tinggal titew mcm ex titew tinggal titeww ea ? promish promish ? Kawan sampai mampus :’) Dah Bye ! *Tehayuuu*

Lot of love kawann korang paling cute ! xoxo <3

Sunday 7 October 2012

Maybe I fallin love with this guy !! Omg omg !

Dear readers listen to this songg ! I dont knw how he's look , but I hopee his not pondan xD hahaha . Suare dy cuteee giler ! Rindu nakk dgr suare "ehem ehem" nyanyi lagu "aishiteru" :')

Actlly , ak takk layann lagu nihh . Tapi bilee dengar lelame lelame pnye lame , jatuhh cinta . Eceyhh . Tengokklahh lirik dy .. Hmm so sawettt :/ 
Punce Cik Sha la nihh , pi bgik link lgu nih . Tp cover bukan by cumi , yangg owner lagu nihh sndri , Dmasiv . 

Ak dengar suare dy teringin sangattt nakk tengokk muke dy . Biaa laa hodoh pownn suare comel perhhh xD 
Macam takk sangkekann ak boleyy layann lagu ginihhginihh ;D omel jehh ak dgr lagu nihh , mak ak pownn sdap jehh dgr . Try ak dgr lagu remix by Dj Blend . Mamfuss kne halau rumaa xD

Daa arhh , I gtg . Nakk iron bju for esokk . Esok kene vouge , cntek , menarik kaw memangg deboommm sebab .. sebab .. hikhiks *muke gedik
Abangg Haaaaaaa adeee ^_^ Abangg zzzzz pownn ade . Asal sound mcm gedik jeh kaw sarah ? lol -__-

Plus esk nak tuntut pen dgn pensil dgn my sayang , puihh . Please nihh last time ak panggil kaw sayangg ;P